Kuami Euggen Endorse Ray Records artist Skerttle Féndi Release new Album this week ... check out the link

Published from Blogger Prime Android AppThe new Album"Shame to dem" which has carry out one song which has been hite in the industry and it's amazing to be hear of that song which is entitled, Skerttle Féndi_My-Story.mp3 

We here to promote the event that you are participating in the Eastern region Artist Skerttle Féndi
He is one of the BLOOD GENG owner
Published from Blogger Prime Android AppYou should try to keep this image of Skerttle Féndi because as time goes on he would be covered by FACE MASK ......
The Album contain so many tracks thus 1 Emerge
2.like ur own 3 Pay-dem 4 on-ma-way 5 shout-outs 1 & 2 and so-me-mu.mp3 
All the songs is uploaded on Audiomark and YouTube channels by searching Skerttle Féndi on YouTube channels 


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